Manikanta book store 1

Manikanta book store rajahmundry contact number

Manikanta book store Rajahmundry contact number is 6300498221 and the Landline number is

0883- 6662507. We all know this bookshop address at Main Road, Rajahmundry – 533101

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Manikanta book store rajahmundry History

Manikanta book store Rajahmundry is established in 1991 for almost 30+ years completed for this book store. In this bookstore, all school, college, medical, and engineering books are available for all subjects.

As well as competitive books for any exams, Devotional books and Novels of all languages are also available here.

This is one of the biggest Book stores in the whole Godavari District.

Reading books has been phenomenally reduced in this Internet age, But reading a physical book is very good to remember the knowledge of that book.

This is my personal experience please comment on your experience while reading the book and if you are from Rajahmundry when did you last purchase the book in this bookstore?